American Red Cross Blood Donation Processes


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Blood Donation Processes

Cody Gotchall enjoys contributing to, and volunteering with, a number of philanthropic and community organizations. For more than four years Cody Gotchall has donated blood to the American Red Cross.

Individuals interested in donating blood to the American Red Cross must first meet a number of eligibility requirements. However, these eligibility requirements, including age, weight, and donation frequency, are just the first series of tests done to ensure the quality of donated blood.

Following eligibility and donor registration, individuals are questioned about their health history and undergo a brief physical examination by a medical professional. American Red Cross representatives typically collect about one pint of blood per donor. These bags are carefully labeled and stored prior to being sent to processing.

Blood samples are recorded in a digital database prior to being separated into transfusable components, such as red cells, platelets, and plasma. Some components, such as plasma, are even further processed. Finally, all components are tested for viability at one of three Red Cross National Testing Laboratories. Each vial is analyzed for blood type and quality through 12 distinct tests.

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